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汉语翻译n. 公司, 友伴, 交往, 连队, 朋友, 一群vt. 陪伴vi. 交往【医】 队; 公司相关词组: inflict one's company upon sb keep company with keep sb company part company part company halfway in the company of fall into company with for company in company with词型变化:名词复数:companies 动词过去式:companied 过去分词:companied 现在分词:companying 第三人称单数:companies 词意辨析:company, corporation, firm这些名词均可表示“公司”之意。company: 多指生产或销售产品的公司、商号,也可指经办服务性项目的公司。corporation: 多指一个人拥有或多人联办的大公司,也指在其它地区或国家拥有分公司的公司。firm: 含义广泛,可指公司、商行或商号。规模可大可小,经营、管理的人员可多可少。英语解释:名词 company:an institution created to conduct businessorganization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical)同义词:troupethe state of being with someone同义词:companionship, fellowship, societysmall military unit; usually two or three platoonsa band of people associated temporarily in some activity同义词:partya social gathering of guests or companionsa social or business visitor同义词:callera unit of firefighters including their equipmentcrew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship同义词:ship's company动词 company:be a companion to somebody同义词:companion, accompany, keep company例句:I hate going out alone: I take my daughter for company.我不愿独自一人出门,带女儿作个伴。His father asked him to avoid bad company.他父亲要他不要交坏朋友。He entertained the company with cigars.他以雪茄烟招待客人。I work in a small company.我在一家小公司工作。详细解释名词)【复数】 A group of persons.See Synonyms at band 2团体参见 band2

One`s companions or associates:同伴,朋友:某人的同伴或伙伴:例句:moved in fast company; is known by the company she keeps.很快成为朋友;被她的同伴知道了A guest or guests:客人:例句:had company for the weekend.有客人来度周末The state of friendly companionship; fellowship:友谊:友好同伴关系的状态;友谊:例句:was grateful for her company; friends who finally parted company.对她的同伴表示感谢;最终断交的朋友

A business enterprise; a firm.商业企业;公司Abbr. co.,co,Co.A partner or partners not specifically named in a firm`s title:缩写 co.,co,Co.合伙人:没有专门用商行命名的一个合股人或多个合股人:例句:Lee Rogers and Company.李·罗杰斯与其合伙人A troupe of dramatic or musical performers:戏班,剧团:戏剧或音乐演员的剧团:例句:a repertory company.定期换演剧目的剧团

A subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit. It is usually under the command of a captain and is made up of at least two platoons.连:军事团或营的再分单位,组成最低行政单位。它通常由上尉指挥,并至少有两个排组成A unit of firefighters.小队:消防人员的一个单位A ship`s crew and officers.See Usage Note at collective noun 全体船员:船上的全体船员与官员参见 collective nounn.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用以修饰其他名词:例句:company policy; a company newsletter.公司政策;公司业务通讯及物动词),, To accompany or associate with.与…伴随或联合来源:Middle English compainie 中古英语 compainie from Old French compaignie 源自 古法语 compaignie from Vulgar Latin *comp3nia 源自 俗拉丁语 *comp3nia from *comp3niô [companion] * see companion 源自 *comp3niô [朋友] *参见 companion






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